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Naskah MC

 Good morning boys and girls. Welcome to the Birthday party’s of Linda. First, thanks for you’re coming to this event. How are you today anybody? I hope that all of you’re fine. And I hope that all of you’re enjoy this birthday party. OK, before we begin this party, I will read the schedule. These are..  1) Opening  2) Greeting from audience  3) Blowing candles  4) Cutting cakes  5) Closing  Just the first schedule is Opening  Ok well, first of all let us begining this party with a pray. Hope that this party will be running well and our beloved Linda will be a good personality and become more mature. Let’s pray... finish. Ok, let’s go to the second schedule.  The second schedule is Greeting from audience  Well friends, it’s time for Akbar to give some greeting for Linda. Akbar, time is yours...  Ok thank you for your greeting , Akbar. Ok, let’s go to the third schedule.  The third schedule is Blowing candles  Ok, it’s time...

Postingan Terbaru

Conversation, Wednesday 5 January 2022

Conversation *8B



Conversation at the Library

Umar Bin Khattab

Batik Melati by Fatih

Ringgo Si Rubah Kecil Berjiwa Besar


let’s talk about sport